Identification of endophenotypes in frontotemporal degeneration

   Lead Investigator:    David Irwin
   Institution      :    University of Pennsylvania
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    647

Publications: 1 Irwin DJ, Grossman M, Weintraub D, Hurtig HI, Duda JE, Xie SX, Lee EB, Van Deerlin VM, Lopez OL, Kofler JK, Nelson PT, Jicha GA, Woltjer R, Quinn JF, Kaye J, Leverenz JB, Tsuang D, Longfellow K, Yearout D, Kukull WA , Keene CD, Montine TJ, Zabetian CP, Trojanowski JQ. Neuropathological and genetic correlates of survival and dementia onset in synucleinopathies: a retrospective analysis Journal Article Lancet Neurol,1:55-56,2017,PMC5181646
2 Phillips JS, Irwin DJ, Rascovsky K, Van Deerlin VM, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, McMillan CT, Grossman M Cognitive and Behavioral Trajectory of Behavioral-Variant Frontotemporal Dementia Differs According to Underlying Pathology Abstract J Neurochem,138:297-298,2016,

Proposal Description: